Oremos por Benjamin Netanyahu, quien hablará delante del Congrego de Estados Unidos en 2 días

9 Comentarios

Benjamin N

No es coincidencia que el DÍA en que se presentará el Primer Ministro de Israel, Benjamín Netanyahu, delante del Congreso de Estados Unidos para advertirles del peligro nuclear de Irán (Persia), será el MISMO DÍA (tiempo en Israel) en que hace más de 2,300 años Esther se presentó ante el rey Assuero para advertirle del propósito de Amán (de Persia, el pueblo de Irán son los persas) para exterminar a los Judíos.

¡Netanyahu ha tomado la misma determinación que tomó Esther, por el Dios de Israel, en el capítulo 4:16 del libro de Esther! “Ve, y junta a todos los Judíos que se hallan en Susán, y ayunad por mí, y no comáis ni bebáis en tres días, noche ni día: yo también con mis doncellas ayunaré igualmente, y así entraré al rey, aunque no sea conforme a la ley; y si perezco, que perezca.” Mientras Netanyahu se prepara para hacer lo que hizo Esther, hagamos lo que hizo el pueblo, AYUNAR por los siguientes tres días, empezando hoy. ¿Qué tanto amas al pueblo escogido del Dios de Israel? Seamos de los gentiles justos.

Pastor Efraim Valverde III

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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Carlos · 10 years ago
    Que fuere el mundo sin niños!!!!!!
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Carlos · 10 years ago
    Que fuere el mundo sin niño a!!!!
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Carlos · 10 years ago
    Que fierce el Mundo sin niño !!!!
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Jaime Rolando Vidal Caceres · 10 years ago
    Shalom! Gloria a Dios! por el pribilegio de poder entender el Misterio del Pueblo que Dios escogio, Israel, Pribilegio poder estar delante de Dios en Oracion y ayuno por nuestro pueblo Israel. Amen!.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Alexander · 10 years ago
    MUy interesante este articulo,
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Fred · 10 years ago
    @Victor Victor may the Lord Jesus bless you. I want to respond to your comment that you made.
    God is the one who rules in the affairs of men here on the earth Daniel 4:32 And they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field: they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and seven times shall pass over thee, until thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will. The rulers in the world do not have free will like everyone else they have to do Gods will however He moves them and they don't have a choice. Even for this very purpose God raised up pharaoh to show His power in him and that Gods name should be proclaimed throughout the earth. So when you say that Benjamin Netanyahu is here for his own political advantage I think your missing the bigger picture. He is here because the God of Israel has brought him here for such a time as this.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    ANA ESPARZA · 10 years ago

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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Vic · 10 years ago
    March 1st, 2015
    02:21 PM ET

    Israeli Opposition Leader: "Netanyahu's speech in Congress is a mistake"

    CNN’s FAREED ZAKARIA GPS features an interview with Isaac Herzog, member of Israel’s Knesset and chairman of the Labour Party.  He spoke about Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s upcoming speech to Congress, nuclear negotiations with Iran, whether a two-state solution with the Palestinians is still  viable, and the U.S. – Israel relationship.

    Herzog on Netanyahu's trip to Congress

    Please be opened minded. Lately, many opposition good will people have perished and have been killed for speaking truth to power. Please look it up for your selves...

    Thank you for reading,
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Victor · 10 years ago
    Netanyahu is doing this because in two weeks there is election in Israel, this ploy will garner some support, but he is doing this for his own sake. Listen to his opposition in Israel who seems more reasonable and willing to compromise to secure hope for both Jews and Palestinian. As far as I know, the middle east issue, especially Israel has been a non partisan issue with the U.S. congress, yet Netanyahu has turned it into a partisan issue. Unfortunately, he made it worst, and the American public will soon realize that no country should have too much influence over foreign policy matter. The time is reckoning, and a back lash will come because of Netanhayu meddling in U.S. matter. No other country has done so, and we wouldn't allow it if an Arab country would do...Don't be fooled...listen the opposition is Israel...I hope Netanyahu lose the election for the sake of keeping the peace...

    Don't be one sided, and be tyrannical in your thinking, be opened minded. There are many Jewish people that do not agree with the Zionist movement. Listen to all critics and ask why are there are people that oppose ...there's a reason ...

    Netanyahu will pass and we will have the status quo. He would make it difficult for next PM to come because he was an opportunist. He will remember as a PM that did not compromised nor made an effort to a true peace...a two state solution.

    Thank you all for listening or reading,


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