The Ministry Of Jeremiah

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- Published: Monday, 03 March 2025 20:16
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“My bowels, my bowels! I am pained at my very heart; my heart maketh a noise in me; I cannot hold my peace,
because thou hast heard, O my soul, the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war.” Jer. 4:19.
Jeremiah has been called “the weeping prophet”, and even his second book is called: “The Lamentations of Jeremiah”. But if we stop to consider the reason that made that long-suffering prophet of God cry, we will see that he had more than enough reason to cry when considering the situation of his people.
Israel had strayed to such a degree over the years, going as far as even in those days to offer their children in the fire before the god Moloch (Jer.32:35). Neglect among the people of God had led them to a very low level of degradation, thus provoking the wrath of the Almighty, who then determined to punish them very harshly. God told Jeremiah what He was going to do, and gave him the hard work of delivering the message of judgment. The Scripture tells us that, at first, Jeremiah refused, telling the Lord that he did not know how to speak, but God told him: “Do not say, I am a child; for to everything that I will send you, you will go, and you will say everything that I will command you” Jer. 1:7.
The Chaldean armies of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, were then the instruments used by God to punish the foolishness of His people, and Jeremiah announced it through the streets of the cities of Israel, but... no one believed his message. He was accused of being a coward, a traitor, a liar, an exaggerator, etc. He was punished harshly and painfully, to the point of being exposed to death ( Jer. 38:4-5). All this was done to him in order to keep him quiet so that he would no longer speak the message that the people did not like. But JEREMIAH COULD NOT BE SILENT, why? For the simple reason that the message was not from him, it was from God. And so, he continued in that painful process, both physically and emotionally for the prophet. Physical, because of the pain that his brothers caused him on his body, and emotionally, because he saw with desperate sadness the stiff neck attitude of the people of God, who had their ears completely closed to the message of the Lord.
But just as it has always been, the day came when the Word of God was fulfilled (for my Lord repeats it even later, saying: “heaven and earth will pass away, but My Words will not pass away”, Mt. 24:35), and the terrible judgment, ruin and destruction struck the foolishness of the nation, and the part of the people that survived was taken in the transmigration to Babylon (the northern kingdom, 10 tribes of Israel, had previously been exiled by the Assyrians, of whom none returned to Israel), and of those who were taken captive to Babylon, never returned, except only a just under 50,000 from the tribes of Judah and Benjamin after the seventy years appointed by God. What a tremendous lesson Israel had. The Jewish people have never forgotten the way in which God “healed” them so that they would never again worship images and other gods besides the God of heaven.
What is described in history is far behind in the annals of the people of Israel, but Paul the apostle tells us that “the things that were written before were written for our teaching” (Rom. 15:4), and certainly the story described here has a tremendous application for the present time, very particularly speaking of those to whom, in these days, the Lord has wanted to entrust to us in this last time THE MINISTRY OF JEREMIAH.
Among the great and terrible signs fulfilled in these days, which are the last before the return of our Lord Jesus Christ in glory, is the apostasy of the church. Other times I have brought to your consideration the exclamation of the Lord, when He said in the form of a question: “When the Son of man comes, will he find faith on earth?” (Luke 18:8). And I have said that these Words of the Lord have made me tremble, because they imply something terrible for the Christians who are not awake. With them the Lord makes us understand that because of the violence that will cover the earth, there will be very few who will truly keep their integrity; and what our eyes are currently seeing confirms the veracity of the Master’s Words more and more each day.
The people called of God, now days, are very far from living at the level of spirituality and holiness that the Lord demands; undoubtedly the cities and towns of countries that call themselves Christian are full of temples and religion, but the same moral degeneration that prevails in them gives loud evidence that they are empty. Surely there is appearance in many aspects, including the universal manifestation of the “charismatic” movement, among which are numbered thousands and thousands of our own brothers in the Oneness faith. However, the idols that Israel worshiped in ancient times are in vogue in an alarming way today, and they are: the worship of religious institutions, false prophets and the traditions of men. Vanity, denominational pride, boasting (both among ministers and among members), hatred, ill will, advantages, cunning, intrigue, etc., etc.
My brother who read these words, you cannot tell me that I am exaggerating. How I desire myself this were not true, but there is no way to deny it, since it is the reality that surrounds us: a corrupt environment that stinks in the presence of the Holy One. But Jeremiah’s message still stands: “Humble yourself, my brother, seek God with a clean heart. Leave haughtiness and pride, and look for your brother in the love of Christ. Stop worshiping ‘the image of the beast’ (religious systems), and in interior and exterior holiness, serve the Lord with fear and trembling. Let the mark of God be on your forehead” (Ez. 9:4).
Jeremiah then said, “My bowels, my bowels! I am pained at my very heart” ( Jer. 4:19), and we say the same as Jeremiah now when we see the stiff-neckedness of the people of God (referring now to the Church). We now write, shout and say in despair that the scourge is coming for the people of God (Gentile Church) because of their foolishness and deviation. But how few listen!
“When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” (Luke 18:8). While that Day arrives, all that “Jeremiah” can do is cry and ask the One who can do everything to wake up His Church that is stupefied with that deadly lethargy of Satan.
God bless you.
Pastor Efraim Valverde Sr.
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