The Holy Calling Of The Ministry

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Without fear of being wrong, I can confidently state that there does not exist any other vocation under the heavens which is greater, or more holy, or higher than the calling to a MINISTER OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.

It is the calling that even the angels with a holy covetousness long for and desire. It is the calling which is conferred upon relatively few men. It is a calling which differs from any other in that it does not begin and end here in this life, having only an earthly recompense, but it is one which has a reward not only during this lifetime, but also throughout eternity. The Holy Spirit, speaking through the prophet Daniel, declares: “And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever” (Dan. 12:3). One of the most eminent men among those who have this calling, the apostle Paul, tells us: “Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God” (1 Cor. 4:1). I could cite many other Scriptures which prove the greatness of the holy calling of the ministry, but I would rather focus our attention on the price and the condition required in order for us to be partakers of this honorable calling: “Moreover it is required in stewards, THAT A MAN BE FOUND FAITHFUL” (1 Cor. 4:2).

My question is: Found faithful in what aspect? In being punctual to the services? In taking care of our personal presentation before men? In giving attention to how we present our sermons? In fulfilling our financialresponsibilities? In having a zeal to protect and defend the causes which we consider to be righteous? Or, in striving to complete bigger and better projects? Most certainly we should be faithful in all these aspects. But I ask: “Don’t other men who practice many other different professions here on earth also worry about these and other similar questions?”

As I previously mentioned, the calling of the ministry is different than any other vocation. What, then, is the difference? Oh, beloved. With an acknowledgement that is filled with reverence, I declare that, just as there exists an immense abyss which separates this earth and the third heaven, likewise, there also exists an immense difference which separates the holy calling of the ministry from all the earthly vocations or professions. This enormous difference can be summed up with the following mystical expression: “For, let this mind be in you, that is also in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 2:5).

We must ask ourselves. Do we truly have the mind of Christ? Have we denied ourselves? Are we holy as He is holy? Are we meek and humble of heart? Do we truly love one another? Do we have clean hands and a pure heart? Do we seek to serve or to be served? Do we take lordship over God’s heritage? Do we do nothing through strife or vainglory? Are we looking not on our own things, but on the things of others? Have we surrendered ourselves to our Master to the point of sacrificing not only our ego, but also our lives out of love for Him and His cause?

My beloved brother and fellow laborer, just as I am here before my Master writing these words in the intimacy of my soul, you also are before your Master reading these words in the intimacy of your soul. I invite you to join me in lifting up this prayer in secret: “Lord, you who knows all things and who searches our hearts, search me. I am your minister. You have called me and have honored me. Weigh my life and try me. Teach me and help me to be always aware of my mistakes. Remove from me all impurities and help me, because I acknowledge that without You I am nothing. It is your blessing which assists me in my ministry every day. You know that my greatest desire is TO BE FOUND FAITHFUL. Amen.”

Postscript: An English missionary of noble blood once counseled his son, who had been called by God to the ministry: “My son, never lower yourself from the calling of being a minister, not even to become the King of England.”

God bless you.

Pastor Efraim Valverde Sr.


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